Baby & Dog Support
toddler dynamics too
Protect your child. Keep your dog. Ease your worries. |
Will my dog hurt my baby? I barely have enough time as it is, shouldn't I just re-home the dog? I'm just so worried... These are all common, rational thoughts that expectant parents have when they are about to have a human baby while already sharing their life with a loved family dog.
Parent Empowerment Training was developed to help guide expectant and current parents in the safest direction possible to prepare you, your dog & baby to live happily ever after. Problems that put young children at risk and cause even “good” family dogs to lose their homes are more common than you think, but are completely avoidable.
Parent Empowerment Training was developed to help guide expectant and current parents in the safest direction possible to prepare you, your dog & baby to live happily ever after. Problems that put young children at risk and cause even “good” family dogs to lose their homes are more common than you think, but are completely avoidable.
77% of dog bites come from the family dog or a friends dog.
Jennifer Anderson, founder of Pawsitive Transformation LLC will provide an in-home consultation to assess your particular family needs. Jennifer's real-life obtainable solutions will put your mind at ease, decrease overall training work load, and make your home safer for dog & baby to coexist.
Additional training & education on the following topics can be incorporated:
- Arousal/Impulse Control: jumping, barking, demanding, & general rowdy behavior.
- Automatic Check In: This is your “golden ticket” for getting your dog to pay attention to you under high distraction!
- “Oops, it’s okay.”: Prepare your dog who startles easily as babies make noise! Whether it’s a bottle hitting the floor or a toy flung across the room. “Oops, it’s okay” will save the day!
- Teaching Dogs to Chill Out!: Let the parent guilt go and keep your dog happy and satisfied during the first few years of exhausting parenting.
Private, personalized visits!
Each session includes:
- education, guidance, & recommendations tailored to your specific family.
- handouts that encompass each recommendation.
- a detailed, emailed summary to share with the nanny, grandparents, etc.
- follow up email/phone support between sessions for those moments when you may need emotional support.
(Each session following the Initial Consult is 60 minutes in length. Expires 6 months from date of purchase. Non-transferable.)
(Each session following the Initial Consult is 60 minutes in length. Expires 6 months from date of purchase. Non-transferable.)
Pay by the visit works well for those looking to only cover a select few of the main topics listed, those already working with another trainer for specific K9 behavioral challenges, or those who need help managing life between dogs & toddlers.
*Price: $115/hr *Existing clients can pay by the hour. *New clients will need a Parent Empowerment Training Initial Consult (see below) prior to paying by the hour.) |
(Each session following the Initial Consult is 60 minutes in length. Expires 6 months from date of purchase. Non-transferable.)
For new clients wanting help with preparing the family dog for baby or help with toddler & dog dynamics a Parent Empowerment Training initial consult is needed prior to paying by the visit (non-package).
"Our most thorough package" and the "Time crunch package" both include an initial consult, so you don't need to purchase this. If you wish to "Pay by the visit" you will need to have an initial consult prior to paying by the visit. Price: $172.50 for 90 minutes |
(Each session following the Initial Consult is 60 minutes in length. Expires 6 months from date of purchase. Non-transferable.)
Frequently asked questions:
Q. When should I enroll?
A. As soon as you find out you're expecting! While you're planning and prepping for life with baby, your dog can be learning the in's and out's of adjusting to life with baby as well.
Q. How many sessions do I need?
A. Most families complete the Main Topics by the end of the 5th session. Additional sessions can be incorporated to work on problem behaviors such as: jumping, barking, reactivity towards people/dogs.
Q. My baby is already here, can you still help us?
A. Yes! The program is still incredibly helpful if you’ve already had your baby. Each family is unique and with private, in-home sessions it can be tailored to your particular family needs.
Q. My dog is practically perfect... do you still recommend the program?
A. Yes! Every dog has limits just like people do. If what you learn prevents your dog from feeling as though they need to growl or worse (eek!) the education is priceless. It's unsettling living under the same roof when your dog has already growled at your baby!
Q. I'm working with another trainer on behavioral challenges, can you still help us?
A. Yes! Parent Empowerment Training is focused on the specifics of prepping your dog and home for baby and helping parents manage the dynamics between dogs & toddlers. Jennifer's "team approach" means with your written permission Pawsitive Transformation can collaborate with your behavioral trainer to reach the safest, happiest family lifestyle possible.
Q. I'm overwhelmed, do you offer help for toddlers and dogs too?
A. Absolutely! Life with young children (aka the purposeful defiance years) and dogs is H-A-R-D, but there are definitely ways to provide some breathing room to give you a sense of peace and harmony.
Q. My home is out of your service area, can you still help us?
A. I'll do my best! Part of the education can be provided remotely via Facetime/Skype session or a halfway meeting point between your home and Edmonds, WA. For topics that need to be covered within the home, I can offer traveling beyond my service area (location dependent). A reasonable travel fee will be applied. Please feel welcome to contact and we chat about remote and in-person options.
A. As soon as you find out you're expecting! While you're planning and prepping for life with baby, your dog can be learning the in's and out's of adjusting to life with baby as well.
Q. How many sessions do I need?
A. Most families complete the Main Topics by the end of the 5th session. Additional sessions can be incorporated to work on problem behaviors such as: jumping, barking, reactivity towards people/dogs.
Q. My baby is already here, can you still help us?
A. Yes! The program is still incredibly helpful if you’ve already had your baby. Each family is unique and with private, in-home sessions it can be tailored to your particular family needs.
Q. My dog is practically perfect... do you still recommend the program?
A. Yes! Every dog has limits just like people do. If what you learn prevents your dog from feeling as though they need to growl or worse (eek!) the education is priceless. It's unsettling living under the same roof when your dog has already growled at your baby!
Q. I'm working with another trainer on behavioral challenges, can you still help us?
A. Yes! Parent Empowerment Training is focused on the specifics of prepping your dog and home for baby and helping parents manage the dynamics between dogs & toddlers. Jennifer's "team approach" means with your written permission Pawsitive Transformation can collaborate with your behavioral trainer to reach the safest, happiest family lifestyle possible.
Q. I'm overwhelmed, do you offer help for toddlers and dogs too?
A. Absolutely! Life with young children (aka the purposeful defiance years) and dogs is H-A-R-D, but there are definitely ways to provide some breathing room to give you a sense of peace and harmony.
Q. My home is out of your service area, can you still help us?
A. I'll do my best! Part of the education can be provided remotely via Facetime/Skype session or a halfway meeting point between your home and Edmonds, WA. For topics that need to be covered within the home, I can offer traveling beyond my service area (location dependent). A reasonable travel fee will be applied. Please feel welcome to contact and we chat about remote and in-person options.
"You should not have to make the gut-wrenching decision to re-home your dog, take them to the shelter, or worse. You have the power to learn how to juggle motherhood or fatherhood while including your loved dog and find great balance. You can be happy, have a happy dog, happy baby, and everyone can be safe!" - Jennifer Anderson founder of Pawsitive Transformation LLC |
CDC/NCHS, National Vital Statistics System, Compressed Mortality File.
Water Submersion:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) [online]. [cited 2012 May 3]. Available from: URL:
CDC. Wide-ranging online data for epidemiologic research (WONDER). Atlanta, GA: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics; 2016. Available at
Cummings P, Quan L. Trends in Unintentional Drowning: The Role of Alcohol and Medical Care. JAMA, 1999; 281(23):2198-2202.
Spack L, Gedeit R, Splaingard M, Havens PL. Failure of aggressive therapy to alter outcomes in pediatric near-drowning. Pediatric Emergency Care 1997; 13(2):98-102.
Dog Bites:
Motor Vehicle Injuries:
CDC. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System [online]. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (producer). [2016 Aug 16].
CDC/NCHS, National Vital Statistics System, Compressed Mortality File.
Water Submersion:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) [online]. [cited 2012 May 3]. Available from: URL:
CDC. Wide-ranging online data for epidemiologic research (WONDER). Atlanta, GA: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics; 2016. Available at
Cummings P, Quan L. Trends in Unintentional Drowning: The Role of Alcohol and Medical Care. JAMA, 1999; 281(23):2198-2202.
Spack L, Gedeit R, Splaingard M, Havens PL. Failure of aggressive therapy to alter outcomes in pediatric near-drowning. Pediatric Emergency Care 1997; 13(2):98-102.
Dog Bites:
Motor Vehicle Injuries:
CDC. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System [online]. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (producer). [2016 Aug 16].